The Best Workouts for You If You're struggling to Stay Fit!

The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is exercise. In fact, regular physical activity — even a little bit — can help you lose weight and get toned up. It’s not hard to stay motivated when you know you’ll be working out every day to reach your goals! If you’re ready to get started on the path to healthier eating and a slimmer body, check out these top-notch training routines that will leave you feeling energized, inspired and ready to take on your day.

Cardio Workouts

Cardio workouts are the backbone of any fitness program. They get your heart rate up, and they help you burn calories. However, like all workout types, it’s important to choose the right type of cardio exercises for you. Doing too many types of cardiovascular exercises can lead to overtraining and having a hard time adjusting to different workout types later on. There are many types of cardiovascular exercises you can choose from. You may want to pick and choose the ones that work best for you based on your particular interests and body type. Cardiovascular exercises are basic in nature and require you to use your body’s own muscles to get the job done. These exercises will get your heart rate up and help you burn calories.


Push-ups are one of the oldest workout techniques in the book, and they’re still a great way to get the heart rate up and stay motivated to work out. You can do push-ups with or without weights and with or without a rack. They’re one of the most basic types of cardiovascular exercise, but they work really well for getting your heart rate up and burning lots of calories. If you’re not sure how to do a push-up, this is one exercise you can start working on right away. Push-ups are done against the closed-lipped air (no sounds or other distractions allowed) with your hands on a surface with no underwerks or other body parts touching the ground. Your feet should be on the ground and your hands should be on your stomach. When you do a push-up, your upper body is the one doing the contracting, while your Lower Body does the relaxing.

Yoga for the Belly

yoga for the belly is one of the best “after-workout” workouts you can do. After a hard workout, you’ll feel exhilarated and ready to take on the day. This workout is all about your belly, so it’s great for toning your midsection. There are many types of yoga, but the basic movements are the same for most styles of yoga. You’ll start with forward-facing dog, and then add other poses such as balances, pigeon, forward folds, etc. These simple movements will help you tone your midsection without having to do too much moving.

Core Exercises

Walking and running are two common ways to burn calories. However, these exercise types aren’t the best for you if you’re looking to stay fit. Although stepping and running are good for increasing your foot strike distance, they’re not the best for core strength. Core exercises are exercises that you use both your lower and upper body. You may have heard that pressing your hands together for long periods of time is good for building strength in your hands. This is one core exercise that you can do that’s good for your hands, your back and your abs.

Step Ups and Stunts

This is one workout type that will get your heart rate up and give you a great workout. It requires a lot of balance, agility and motor skills. If you’re not sure how to do a step-up or a handstand push-up, these are two basic movements you can use to start. A handstand push-up is done with your hands straight and your feet on the ground. A step-up is done by putting your heels on the wall and then lowering your body until your fingertips are on the ground. You’ll do a few of these movements in a row to get your heart rate up and to test your balance and motor skills.


Exercising is a great way to stay fit and help you improve your health. It reduces stress and makes you feel happy and energetic. You can do almost anything to stay fit and get toned, but these workout routines will help you burn calories and get the most out of your time in the gym.